Time for real world reasons to get
off the grid most people live in areas that in the last 5 or 10 years
have had a growing problem with brown outs. Yes I know some of you
people live in a few select areas that have not yet had them but you
will here is why as people keep adding in more electronics to there
every day life they use more and more power. Just take a look at the
south side of Chicago they in the last few years have had the most
brown outs some for no reason. As people use more power there is one
very big problem the power grid demand grew last year by 21% meaning
there was a need for 21% more power. The power companies only added
3% new to the grid this means that they fell short by 18% now I know
that’s only one year but the fact is every year that number that
they fall short is growing. The year be for was only like 14% so if
you add that up for the last 5 years. I found out that at times in
the year they are short about 50% of the needed power to keep
everyone happy. Now I know some of you are asking what time summer
but if it keeps going like it is soon winter will be catching up to
There is also another big problem
the power grid we use today is over 50 years old they just add little
parts here and there but never over haul it putting more stress on
the whole system. Look at it like this if you have a crane holding up
the power grid each time you add a new gadget to your life you add
one grain of sand to the over growing bucket and one day that cable
on the crane will break. I know one grain of sand that’s no big
deal but what you forget is you’re not the only one that is adding
sand to it. If in every state 100,000 people add one grain every day
now if you times 100,000 by 50 that’s 5 million per day. Think how
much is 5 million grains of sand what one 5 gallon bucket maybe I
don’t know don’t care let’s just say it’s a 5 gallon bucket
now if we take that and times it by 365 days in a year that now is
1,825. Keep in mind that’s a lot of 5 gallon bucks full of sand
each year now if each bucket has an overall weight of say 50 pounds
each year that means we add 91,250 pounds the crane. But the power
companies say take 3% off for the year they only took off 2,737.5
pounds not even enough to really make a difference. The thing is how
many more years until the whole grid just stops working well reality
not long be for we start seeing long black outs not the simple brown
Here is another and different way
to look at this if we look at this in terms of power usage and use a
small amount. If 500,000 houses in each state use just 1watt more
each day not a lot more each but in a big picture a lot. This is
equal to just 500 kilowatts more for each state each day so multiply
that by 50 states then multiply that by 365 days in a year that means
people just put an added demand on the power grid each year of 9.125
GIGAWATTS now to put this into what we would need to make that much
is. Well I did some checking some older coal plants make around 9 or
more gig watts just so you know the numbers it takes 1000 watts to
make 1 kilowatt. It takes 1,000,000 kilowatts to make 1 gig watt and
it takes 1 billion gig watts to make 1 megawatt now you have the
numbers to see just how much power you really do use.
Don’t let the kilowatt-hours
thing get to you it’s really just a term used for billing in the
end 1 kilowatt-hour for your use is still 1000 watts it’s really
the same thing it just gives a way to figure out how many kilowatts a
device will use per hour so a 100 watt light bulb can run for 10
hours and in that 10 hours will have used up 1 kilowatt. So if you
take your electric bill and look at just how many kilowatts you used
in one month you can find out how many watts it is and then you can
start to look at what is using up a lot of your power by buying a
kilowatt meter. I have 2 of them cheap to buy but very handy when you
want to cut electrical use here is how just get one and go to the
power strip that your TV and all that stuff is plugged into turn off
everything so it’s all in standby mode then unplug the power strip
and plug in the kilowatt meter then plug your power strip into it.
Now just let it set for a little bit and watch you have different
read outs on it amps, watts, kilowatt-hours, they all have different
options but in the end you can test and see just what is eating up
all that power.
I took one of mine over to a
friend’s house to show him just what eats up all the power his
living room TV, DVD player, surround system and he had a few other
things I forget them all but it would use if it all was on standby
1kilowatt-hour every 3hours. So we did some math he has it on standby
at least 9 hours every night. We took that it used 3 kilowatts in
that 9hours times that by 30 days and it was 90 kilowatts each month
by its self so he put it on a different outlet that was on a switch
and it cut down his bill and he then did that with some other things
around his house he and just from that he cut off almost 1/3 of his
monthly bill.
I took my kilowatt to a few
different people I know and asked if I could test some items they
have to see how much power the different items use in standby. I
found most TV’s use around 5 to 15 watts per hour on standby but I
was surprised at a few of them newer TV’s I had one I tested used
25 watts. There are some big differences here a 5w would use
1kilowatt about every 200 hours on standby but on the other end the
25watt one used 1 kilowatt about every 40 hours on standby. As you
can see it really adds up fast that’s just one TV I will in the
next part give some numbers for different items and this will let you
estimate just how much your items eat up in power when you are not
using them. How you do this is find out about how long each item is
on standby each day and multiply that number by the watts used per
hour in standby then multiply by 30 for each month or to find out
what it uses each year by 365. Then divide that number by 1000 to get
how many kilowatts for each month or year than once you have it for
each different item add up all the kilowatts and you can see how much
is wasted each month and each year.
List of items and how many watts
they can use each hour on standby
TV’s – 5 to 25watts
Rear projection TV’s – 7 to
VCR’s – 5 to 10watts
Microwaves – 2 to 5watts
Coffee makers – 2 to 9watts
Now I just looked up and found a
web site with a nice basic list of just what some stuff uses for
standby power go here http://standby.lbl.gov/summary-chart.html
and look at it and compare items in your house. Write down the list
of items you have and how many of them and then take down the watts
used average for each item then put next to each how long they just
sit now you can get a real idea of just how much power you really do
waste each day, month and year on letting stuff standby.
The difference between a brown out
and a black out is a lot brown out means very short time meaning they
shut it off due to they can’t make or get enough power for every
one so they shut off areas to give more to others while the ones they
shut off go without. Now onto what a black out is that is when they
don’t shut it off but, it shuts turns itself off there is a very
big difference this means they really stressed something and it broke
now. What if it’s a main power hub well that could mean months of a
large area with no power at all until they rebuild it, just think how
long some of the projects take years to build to get all the stuff to
make it yes I know they have some plans to help speed this up. What
if it is what’s called a shock wave meaning the first part goes and
from it the surge takes out a few more things with it. Then it goes
from a simple big fix to a very big fix what are some people going to
do say if that happens and you are just in the black out area for a
year or more or let’s even say 6 months. I will be okay and so will
some of the people I know. This is for all you people living in the
city and even the small towns do you think if the power goes out for
6 months you will make it okay. I don’t think so a big area out
means no gas no food no cell phones no internet the list goes on and
I am not putting this out there to
scare people I want more people to realize just how bad this really
is why do you think the government says have a stock of minimum 6
months stored food and water to feed everyone in your house. They
don’t want to say it’s just in case you live in a spot that may
be blacked out one day. The fact is no one knows where it can happen
or when if they would just say these states need to get on their own
power setup and if they are not on it by such date we have to cut off
the power to keep the rest of the grid working. They won’t ever do
that why everyone or most would jump ship and move be for that date
and in the end that wouldn’t solve the problem so they say nothing
and do nothing but say have all that food and water.
So if you haven’t read any of my
other work please do you can learn a lot about how easy it really is
to work your way off grid. Thank you and keep learning not from just
me but from everybody there are thousands of other people out there
in their back yards building good stuff to make their life more off
the grid.
First lets talk about the cost well if you don't follow the building guide lines for building codes as i never do here is why one they have nothing on DC power and how to use it! So with that said here is why it cost so much to have a company get you off grid easy they do it all in AC! Meaning they make DC power from the turbine or solar panels and convert it to AC and in doing so they loose allot of the made power wasting it! I on the other hand say use the DC power you make and get 100% use of what you make!
ReplyDeleteNow i know most say how do you use DC power easy all or most electronics use DC power Yes i said DC power here is how when you plug in that AC item it has a transformer or a diode pack to turn AC into DC! Most right now are thinking ya right but its true! All you need to do is redo a small part of most electronics to make them work on DC or AC and yes its really that easy! Also there is allot of DC lighting out on the market today that one can buy and use right now with a solar panel! One can start small just with lighting and work there way to be off grid real easy one step at a time!